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Knee Pain
Knee pain is a common issue that can result from injury, overuse, or underlying medical conditions affecting the bones, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, or muscles around the knee joint. The knee is a complex joint that supports a significant portion of the body’s weight and is involved in many daily activities like walking, running, and jumping, making it prone to injury and degeneration.
Common causes of knee pain include ligament injuries (e.g., ACL tears), meniscus tears, arthritis, tendonitis, bursitis, and patellar tracking issues.
Knee pain can range from mild discomfort to severe, debilitating pain, and may limit mobility, making it difficult to perform daily activities or participate in sports. Treatment options vary depending on the cause and severity of the pain.
Common Symptoms
Sharp or aching pain in or around the knee joint
Swelling or tenderness around the knee
Stiffness and reduced range of motion in the knee
A popping or clicking sound during movement (common with meniscus or ligament injuries)
Instability or weakness in the knee, causing the knee to "give way" during movement
Difficulty bearing weight or walking, especially on stairs or inclines
Pain that worsens with activity, such as running, squatting, or jumping
Pain that improves with rest
Grinding or crunching sensation when moving the knee (common in arthritis)
Pain behind or around the kneecap (patellofemoral pain syndrome)
Inability to fully straighten or bend the knee (in more severe cases)

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