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Herniated Disc
A herniated disc in the neck, also known as a cervical disc herniation, occurs when the soft inner material (nucleus pulposus) of a disc in the cervical spine pushes through the outer layer (annulus fibrosus) and presses on nearby nerves or the spinal cord. This condition can result from wear and tear, aging, or sudden trauma, such as lifting something heavy or whiplash. A herniated disc in the neck can cause pain, numbness, or weakness, especially if it compresses a nerve or the spinal cord.
Cervical disc herniation commonly affects individuals in the middle-aged population, but it can occur in anyone, and symptoms can vary depending on the severity and location of the herniation.
Common Symptoms
Sharp or radiating pain in the neck, shoulders, arms, or hands
Numbness or tingling in the shoulders, arms, hands, or fingers
Weakness in the muscles of the arms, hands, or fingers
Pain that worsens with neck movement, such as turning or tilting the head
Stiffness or reduced range of motion in the neck
Headaches, especially at the base of the skull or radiating from the neck
A burning or electric-like sensation along the path of the affected nerve
Difficulty with fine motor skills, such as gripping objects or writing
Pain that worsens when coughing, sneezing, or straining
In severe cases, loss of coordination or balance (if the spinal cord is compressed)

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