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Shoulder Pain
Shoulder pain refers to discomfort or pain in or around the shoulder joint, which can result from a variety of causes. The shoulder is a complex joint made up of bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments, providing a wide range of motion, but also making it susceptible to injury and strain. Shoulder pain can be acute, following an injury or overuse, or it can be chronic, developing over time due to conditions like arthritis or tendon degeneration.
Common causes of shoulder pain include rotator cuff injuries, bursitis, tendonitis, frozen shoulder, arthritis, dislocation, or fractures. Symptoms may range from mild discomfort and stiffness to severe pain and limited mobility, often making it difficult to perform daily activities like lifting objects, reaching overhead, or even sleeping on the affected side. Treatment depends on the cause and severity of the pain and may involve rest, physical therapy, medication, injections, or surgery in severe cases. Proper diagnosis and timely intervention are important for preventing long-term complications or disability.
Common Symptoms
Pain in the shoulder that worsens with movement or activity
Stiffness or reduced range of motion in the shoulder joint
Weakness in the arm or shoulder
A clicking or popping sensation when moving the shoulder
Pain that radiates down the arm or up into the neck
Difficulty lifting objects or performing overhead movements
Pain when lying on the affected shoulder, especially at night
Swelling or tenderness around the shoulder joint
Muscle spasms or cramping around the shoulder
A feeling of instability or the shoulder "giving way"

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