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Facet Joint Pain
Facet joint pain in the back occurs when the small joints located between and behind each vertebra in the spine, known as facet joints, become inflamed or irritated. These joints provide stability and allow for flexibility in the spine. Facet joint pain, also known as facet joint syndrome or facet arthropathy, is often caused by wear and tear (degeneration), arthritis, or injury to these joints, leading to pain, stiffness, and limited movement.
Facet joint pain is most commonly found in the lumbar (lower back) and cervical (neck) regions but can also affect the thoracic (mid-back) region. This type of pain may worsen with specific movements and can mimic other conditions such as a herniated disc or sciatica.
Common Symptoms
Localized pain in the lower back, neck, or mid-back, depending on the affected joints
Pain that worsens with twisting, bending, or extending the spine
Stiffness and reduced range of motion in the spine, especially in the morning or after periods of inactivity
Aching pain that can radiate to the buttocks or thighs (lumbar facet pain) or shoulders and arms (cervical facet pain)
Tenderness or soreness over the affected facet joints
Pain that increases with prolonged standing or leaning backward
Difficulty performing activities that require spinal flexibility, such as bending or lifting
Relief when sitting or leaning forward, which takes pressure off the affected joints
Muscle spasms around the affected area

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